Monday, February 19, 2007


Welcome to the inaugural post!

So, why a blog? Well... a few reasons:

1) It's a great way for my now distant friends and family (all back East) to keep tabs on my doings.

2) I've never been able to keep up a traditional handwritten journal, so for some crazy reason, I think a very public online journal will work better for me. Yup.

3) I am on a journey...No, wait. A pilgrimage of the mind-body towards health and fitness everlasting. Eww. Okay, really...I want Angelina Jolie's body. Okay, not really (but I DO!). The real deal: I have recently discovered that reading blogs of others who try to live better is a whole lot more fun than tv, so on a lark, I thought I'd add my bits to the collective voice of self-improvement. In other words: everyone else is doing it, so why not? Besides, I might meet some neat people out here on the internets.

So, there will likely be something for everyone here, including slow runners, recreational cyclists (even wobbly ones), fans of alt country, fans of pootie pics (that means cat pictures, my friends), chow hounds, and WARNING: as I have a tendency towards tacky poo-related humor, there may be something for the frat boy in all of us.


Anonymous said...

I look forward to Heather's "pooisms"
and other fascinating tidbits. Erin

jen said...

Oh boy, can't wait to hear about all of your adventures. Where are the tacky shoe pics? Time to share!You know that you can't leave home without them!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your experience

Anonymous said...

Yay! The shoes are tooo groovy! Now don't get them dirty!(Oh my GAwd did that expression just AGE me?) I want to see those shoes in a few months-just to make sure that they're pedaling.
Can't wait to beat your skinny a** in the Peachtree Road Race now.
Hmmm.........maybe I better start running........................
Are you SURE you're not smoking anything?

Anonymous said...

And don't you dare forget my birthday tomorrow!

P-town Peach said...

OH SH**! I knew I was forgetting something!

(just kidding- I learned my lesson last year...)