Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Y'all, this is so wrong. Have a great week!

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Yeah, I slipped up a bit. Not so much out of weakness, but just pure forgetfulness, which I guess is kind of a weakness. I was at Starbucks ordering a drip coffee (not a Mocha as that is considered dessert) and right there in front of me sat a tray of samples of cranberry bliss bars, and I thought "yum, I like these" and before I knew it, doh! I just popped it in my mouth without even thinking, and I was not about to spit it out when I realized my error. I mean come on, there's blog challenges, and then there's Karen Carpenter behavior. So in the interest of integrity and (not quite) full disclosure, I have to reveal 1/8 of my before picture, since I ate about 1/8 of a dessert.

Hopefully it won't happen again, because I am really loathe to show any more.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Cat Man Do

Please please please click on the Weekly Saccharin video to see it in full screen through YouTube- this is the best animation I've seen in a long time. The animators name is Simon Tofield (genius!), and I have never seen such a hysterically accurate depiction of a cats nature. I go through a similar routine with one of my cats nearly every morning (minus the baseball bat part).


Cupcake Challenge: Day 3

So far so good. I have resisted temptation at every turn, and have had to be a little creative in my circumvention. Last night for instance, I decided to eat some mandarin oranges (in their own juice, not syrup, cause that would be cheatin), but they weren't sweet enough, plus I was having a hard time eating them with the coffee stirrer (didn't have a fork) so I dumped them in a glass of diet sprite, and muddled them up a bit for a frothy, orangey treat. Probably sounds kinda gross, and would have been more fun with some alcohol, but gimmee a break, i was working with the limited resources of my hotel room.

Which brings me to the topic of exercise on the road. Not an easy thing. Especially if you despise treadmills like I do. In the milder months of the year, there's usually enough sunlight for me to run outside after I teach, but in the winter, I never see sunlight, and I'm not too crazy about running in the dark in a strange city or on a treadmill, so I have to be creative. And in lieu of running I will focus on strength training which I often times ignore when I'm at home. I have found a great resource for strength training pilates-type exercises on the Washington Post website. They've got tons of picture demos, for free! Kind of like having a virtual personal trainer. Many of these exercises you can do without equipment right on your hotel room floor (eww). Nice because the fitness centers at most 3 star and under hotels leave a lot to be desired.

So give it a shot! And I recommend one of those big balls for home workouts- they're a lot of fun (especially if you have cats...)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Yay Dr. Diane!

Okay, I'm breakin my rule just this once...but it's for an important announcement...

So, thanks to everyone who sent out their smarty vibes - it worked! (and maybe with a little of her own smarts ;) She did it! What an awesome accomplishment. And I know how hard she worked for it.

So, as she says, cupcakes for all!

And that picture is about the closest I'm gonna get to a cupcake for awhile...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Dr. Di

Just a quicky reminder that everyone needs to send out their smartest smarty pant vibes to Diane today as she defends her dissertation, the final rung towards her becoming the most insufferable academic ever (jk, love ya!).

I hope you knock the socks offa their asses, girl!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Cupcake Challenge

Alrighty, so I was checkin in on one of my new favorite girl blogs, and was reading about this challenge, where dessert will be eaten only once a week until January (holidays being the exception thank god), to help get the "sugar monkey" off her back. I've been needing just this type of challenge since I've gotten a little sloppy lately with my points. My Google calendar where I record my foods has been kinda spotty lately. And this past weekend I managed to eat not just pizza (four huge drippin slices), but chocolate cookies, brownies, AND peach cobbler (that I made for a pot luck...why do I do these things?). Now, I was on my bike all weekend, both days, riding for several hours (serious riding too, not just toolin around), so I just managed to negate the good I did by eating every last calorie (and perhaps more) that I burned. While the scale hasn't budged up, it also hasn't budged down, which is what I need it to do dammit! So, I am going for the challenge myself to rid myself of the evil Cupcake of Doom.

And if I fail, I will post a really scary "before" picture of myself. You thought this was scary, well, it ain't nothin compared to the one I will post.

If you're concerned about my honesty, well, you're just gonna have to trust me to hold myself accountable. Because after all, this is about me, and not about y'all. And you can count on B to help with the policing, since it's usually his fault when I transgress (hmm...that might piss him off enough to finally comment here).

I'm considering any sugary treat a dessert, and that includes my staple 100 calorie packs. The only sweet goodness I'm allowed outside the once a week is fruit and sugar-free, because like one commenter posted over at the Fitness Fixation blog, "If it makes you poop, it ain't dessert".

Words to live by.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Cupcake Free Zone

From this point forward, cupcakes are banned from this blog.There will be no posting or commenting about cupcakes, cupcake-likes, cream cheese frosting on red velvet cupcakes, chocolate filled cupcakes, moist white cake cupcakes with vanilla frosting, mango cupcakes, or even splenda cupcakes.

Cupcakes are the enemy.

Super Shuttle Chronicles: Part 2

I will never, ever, ever again take a Super Shuttle. You may remember my last experience with this sucky suck ass company. You would think I had learned my lesson, but nooooo.

I was trying to save the company a few bucks when I was in Houston by not taking a $90 taxi ride to my hotel, and instead got on the bus for $28. Stupid! I landing in Houston at 6:30 pm hungry and tired, ready to eat dinner and kick back and watch hotel tv. I waited an hour for the shuttle, then when it finally showed up, I squished in with 9 other passengers whose hotels were scattered all across Houston, and as you probably already know, Houston's sprawled out from like Louisiana to Nevada (it is really obscene). Evidently, their computer system that helps to plan efficient routes was down, so our driver took us on a grand tour of the city from north to south, east to west, and back east again, and oops-I-forgot-someone! back west again. And meanwhile, as I'm crammed in some guys armpit, the driver has switched off the basketball game on the radio and turned on gospel. And I'm not talkin about down-south-raise-the-roof-hallelujah kind of gospel (which I like), but rather Whitney Houston/Celine Dion-style Diva gospel, which frankly...sucks. And it was loud too.

So to entertain myself and prevent "the message" from brainwashing me :), I tried to come up with new curse word combos. Boy, this makes the time fly! Just start with some everyday, generic kinds of words like stick, chop, toe, worm, and mix with curse words. After awhile you will have some real winners. The one that nearly had me pee was "ass biscuit".

This was fun until my concentration was broken by the cranky old lady sitting in front of me who started complaining (in this really annoying whiny Seinfeld character accent) about how she's always the last person on the bus, so to shut her up, the driver changed course (away from my hotel), and dropped her old mothball smelling butt off first. So I was the last person to be dropped off, two hours later, at 9:30 pm, with no restaurants nearby but Denny's and McHeartAttack. So I chose the lesser of two evils, and ate about two bites of semi-edible tilapia, and corn/mash potatoes, and called it a night.

Anyway, let this be a lesson to me. Three hours of my life is worth more than the fifty bucks I saved. Especially if I can expense it.

Kids, cover your eyes...

B just emailed this to me from the Portland Mercury- it is titled "Worst...Tattoo... Ever."

I'll never be the same again.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I think I've gone and done got sick. So this is gonna be a lamo post because I didn't do anything interesting today, nor did I have any interesting thoughts, except maybe my idea for cupcake pans. I would like to invent some that have the cups a little shorter and maybe a little wider, because what normal human being can get their mouth around both the cake part AND the frosting part without getting frosting all aver their face? You can't do it! (I tried) So, I think I will develop a prototype for the "Squatcake", and make a million on QVC. Any potential investors?

And the picture below is absolutely apropos of nothing, I just think it's funny.

Monday, November 5, 2007

New York Wants to Marry Portland

The most emailed article right now in the NY Times is about Portland's bike culture. And this is like the third or fourth article this year in the NY Times singing the praises of my new home. Which tickles me on the one hand, but on the other, I'm like "stop telling people how great it is here! It's near impossible as it is right now for anyone of modest means to buy a house in Portland, so shut up already, stop writing things that make people want to live here! The gates are now closed!"

Funny coming from someone who's only been here a year and half, huh? Which just goes to show ya how amazing this place is; people quickly become really attached to this place and possessive- like jealous lovers. Think how the native Portlanders feel. I think I've only met one or two since I've been here. Everyone else is from the Midwest.

Well, for those of you who are considering moving here, as far as I'm concerned, you're welcome here with open arms... if you don't mind that it gets dark at 3:30, or drizzly weather for 8 months out of the year. Don't worry, you'll probably get used to it. If not, you'll just want to hang yourself. Because nobody actually leaves their house in the winter. We just cozy up underneath a big warm quilt and read Moby Dick (doesn't that just sound delicious!). When we do venture out, it's only to canvass for some political cause, like the rights of the sea cucumber, all gussied up in our galoshes and rain hats. Or if it's a special occasion, we might go to a poetry reading! Or make a big batch of potato soup and invite our friends over for a game of Scrabble!

Sounds great, doesn't it? Come on out! And bring your D&D dice with you! There's plenty of room for all of us.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Yay for Girlz!!

Used without permission from the New York Times...please don't sue me :)

Aren't they just glorious? Those three were the top finishers of the New York City marathon, and I am so incredibly inspired. Would ya look at them gams?!

So I ran my 7 miles yesterday, and it was not easy. I had to walk a few times, although I didn't walk for long- 30 seconds to a minute at most. And boy, later last night after I'd settled on the couch for a movie (Chariots of Fire, appropriately enough, which I had never seen before...and how cheesy!), my legs were so sore! I had to struggle to get off the couch and to bed. It's been a long time since I've been that sore. Which I guess means I really needed that to get out of the running rut I've been in.

This morning I went to a restorative yoga class that was almost as good as a massage, so now my legs don't feel like the Tin Man's after a rain. But I really should have a massage once in a while. I've heard from so many people that it's almost a necessity for runners. But it just seems like such a luxury. I guess since I'm making a grown-up salary now I can afford one every once in a while, but still.

Anyway, you may notice that I'll be posting more nonsense with more frequency this month since it's NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month), and while it's too late for me to sign myself up for the challenge of one post per day for the month (plus y'all know I'm just too lazy), I will try to post a lot more than usual. So prepare yourselves for the onslaught of mediocre triviality! I promise to keep you in the titillating loop of my ongoing search for love (of cupcakes), my herculean journey as an aspiring "athlete", and my riveting quest for the perfect mixed metaphor (so far, 'blowing smoke up my sleeve' is a potential contender). So, stick around my friends, and prepare yourself for....

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Ryan Shay

I was in the running store this morning, where they had the US Marathon Olympic trials on tv, and as we were watching, the announcer on tv mentioned how odd it was Ryan Shay stepped off the course after 5.5 miles. I didn't stick around to watch what happened, because I had my own run to do, but when I got back home from my run, I find out the poor guy died. How does this happen? I don't understand why people in apparent perfect health just drop dead during these races. What the hell? What a goddamn tragedy.

Cranky Pants

I don't know what happened to me. I used to be a friendly, patient, tolerant person. At least so I thought. Yeah, not so much anymore. I've turned into a cranky, don't-touch-me!, old lady. I am frighteningly close to becoming a crazy cat lady hermit. How did this happen?

I think it started when I worked as a bartender, and I routinely saw the worst in people. Alcohol does really ugly things to our personalities, even when we think we're the most charming thing since Cary Grant. Trust me, from a bartenders perspective (a sober one that is), you are not charming. You are a slobbering, babbling child. And after a while, the only way to cope with these children is to join them in their drunken bubble. Which is what I did. Then I snapped out of it and got the hell out of that damn bubble. Now, I admit, it was the most fun job I ever had, and I met some fantastic people, made some lifelong friends, but it did help to tarnish my previously naive shiny perception of people. Part of it might just be growing older and less tolerant of irritating people, but wherever it came from isn't so much the point now. I gotta figure out how to get up with people again.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately because of my travel. I think I have disproportionate reactions to the annoying habits of complete strangers. Take last night for example; I was sitting at the gate in the Austin airport waiting for my plane to board, and a few seats down from me there was a gentleman who was breathing too loud. He did not appear to be sick, disabled, or obese, or anything like that, he just made too much noise when he breathed. But it was so annoying to me that I actually got up and moved to another seat. It wasn't like he was snoring loud or doing that really-annoying-snot-clearing-in-the-back-of-the-throat thing. He was just breathing for fucks sake!

I also get squirrelly on the plane when my seat mate's elbow touches me. And when someone stands too close behind me in line. Or when on the moving sidewalk, people who are clearly capable of walking, stand and don't walk. Is walking really that exhausting!? It's a moving sideWALK people! Shit! Move the fuck out of my goddamn way!

See what I mean? I'm a total Miss Cranky Pants.

Maybe it's a sign that I need a break from all this traveling and being around people. Maybe I should go stay at one of those monk retreats for awhile. Maybe I just need a vacation from airports and hotels.

Or maybe I should just get the fuck over myself and remember that I am not perfect either, and try to be more like Jesus or Buddha. It's so hard though! People are such a pain in the ass.

I just noticed that I used "fuck" and "Jesus" and "Buddha" in the same sentence, so in one fell swoop, I probably managed to offend most everyone, plus I am SO going to hell.


Anyway, thought I'd just get that off my chest. In the meantime, to help me deal with my crankypants mood, I'm going on a seven mile run today as a kick in the pants, since I've hit a bit of a running plateau. I've gotten into a kind of comfortable groove of running four milers a few times a week, with a six miler as my long run. I haven't gone beyond six miles in part cause I'm skeered, but also because I took the half marathon off the schedule for Thanksgiving, and I haven't actually decided on a replacement, so I'm not actively training for one right now. I was considering Austin, but my schedule isn't looking good for that race. I may do one in May/June instead, and maybe I can convince my siblings and stepmom to run one with me. I know my sister will be itchin to work off the whole two pounds of her bebeh weight. And maybe Erin and Katy will be ready by next year to run that distance...(whatchoo think missies? :)

No major bike plans for the weekend. I opted out of a bike camping trip this weekend with ECT because they're goin all primitive and shit to the hot springs (damn!), since I'm more of a girly kinda camper. But I will probably go for a ride by myself tomorrow.

And as far as eatin news, I had some good eats in Austin this week, including two cupcakes (i totally get the craze now), but no BBQ or Tex-Mex. I know, it's a crime, but it just didn't work out this time.

And now that I'm back in my hood, I am anxious after my run to hit a newly opened bagel shop nearby that apparently makes real New York bagels (like boiled, ya know). Like BBQ, it is very dificult to find good bagels here in Portland, so I can't wait to find out if these are the bagels I've been missing. Hopefully it won't be necessary after all to open up my bagel joint, which I was planning to call Shiksas Bagels, but I'll let you know after I try one of theirs...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Hot for Teacher

How bout another blast from the kinda scary past?

So, I seem to have just crossed some kind of attractiveness threshold, because after a bit of a dry spell regarding getting hit on, I got a double whammy this week. First, one of my students in his evaluation wrote that the best part of the class was that "teacher was hot". WTF? When I read that, I actually turned around to make sure there wasn't some other teacher standing behind me. That's just not an adjective I hear very often when people describe me. And yes, he was pretty hot too. Unfortunate that he lives in Phoenix. So that was a total ego boost. And then the shuttle driver from my hotel hit on me! He wanted to know if I'd go out with him when he comes to Portland to see a basketball game next month! Not gonna happen, cause he's too young, but still. Wow. Been a while since I've been hit on. So I may not be as far as I thought from JBB status....

Totally cool.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Incredible Shrinking Woman

Check out her snazzy shoes!

Does that picture date me? You know, that movie was supposed to be a comedy, but it actually kind of scared me. Why do you suppose? Maybe because I was like 10 years old?

Anyway, I'm feelin a little like ol' Lily lately what with the pounds droppin like flies (I know, not the most appropriate use of that metaphor), and family members calling me worried that I'm losing too fast, will lose too much, etc. It's kind of a funny thing I've become aware of recently; when someone you have known for a long time looks a particular way (i.e., fat) and then changes (seemingly) drastically (i.e., loses weight), you think (and sometimes vocalize) concern that they're going to fast, not eating enough, look sickly, blah, blah, blah. Especially if we don't see that person regularly because maybe they live in another state... So, just to reassure everyone who might be concerned about that, I'm losing on average less than 2 pounds per week, which is considered healthy. And I am still considered overweight with a BMI of 25.4. The .4 is what stands between me and a "healthy weight". I am kinda secretly tickled though, because it means it's working! And it hasn't been that hard! I have learned to eat like a thirty something woman, and not like a teenage boy, and have finally gotten to the point where near daily exercise isn't a chore anymore, but rather a "let's see how far you can run today" kinda thing, which I never thought possible. And that's how it's supposed to work folks- it's not supposed to be a great sacrifice or burden- although the first few weeks of eliminating bad habits and starting healthy ones can be a little rough. So for those of you trying to lose weight, exercise more, whatever, try to make healthier decisions 90 percent of the time, and fergodsakes don't beat yourselves up for the 10 percent of non-healthy choices. Shit, you guys have read here about my bad choices, and I'm still able to get that number to slide downwards.

A lot of people have been asking what my goal is, and I usually respond with "my drivers license weight", but since that was what I weighed when I first got my license (yes, at 16) that may not be the ideal weight for me at thirty-something. So I've been trying to decide a non-poundage measure that will signify the end, and I'm torn between when I reach a size 6 (almost as arbitrary as weight), when I look like a James Bond babe (JBB), and when I stop shouting "My thighs are so fucking fat!" in the shower. It's a toss-up.

So, that's the last I'll bore you with such an indulgently self-absorbed "Self" magazine post about my weight issues for awhile (at least until next week), and instead I'll write about more high-minded things...pffthttt!!! Yeah, right. You can go read the New York Times for that kinda schwag.

So, until next time...

p.s., check out the new kitties --------------------->

Monday, October 22, 2007

Piroshkys, Donuts, and Bike Moves

Whew! That was quite the fun-filled weekend.

I was teaching in Seattle this week and got to visit the girls (Di and Laura) who have just moved up there. So on Friday after class I got to see their new house, and we had a blast catching up, drinking wine, and of course, eating. Laura is such a good cook. I don't know how she does it, but she keeps it super simple, and everything comes out fantastic. I try to keep it simple, and it comes out bland and boring. That's why I add garlic and red pepper flakes to everything- your mouth is on such fire that you don't notice that there is not a whole lot of "seasoning" beyond that.

Anyway, the next morning we met at Pike Place Market which is totally fun. I don't care if the locals scoff that it's too touristy (which it is), there is just so much good food crammed into a relatively small area. I ate my way through the market starting with coffee at the original Starbucks, stopping to toss a few bills into a busker's guitar case (they were a little bluegrassy band with washboard and hounddogs who let me scratch their bellies - the dogs, not the buskers), next moving on to Piroshky Piroshky for a beef and onion pastery (don't even want to guess how many points), then to the fish guys for my first taste of smoked salmon (pretty good, except tasted too bacony- I know for some, this is just not possible), then met up with the girls, and followed them to the tiny donut stand where they fry the little donuts in front of you and toss them into a bag with cinnamon or powdered sugar. I have a history with these devil donuts. I wish I'd never heard about them, but what can you do? (If you're trying to figure out how many points I've so far consumed, I think somewhere north of 50 would be a safe bet- but the day's not over yet)

For the drive home (as if I hadn't eaten enough), I picked up a loaf of bread from the French bakery and then bought some cheese from the cheesery (?)- a cheddar gruyere creation - as well as some big fat black grapes. Oh, almost forgot- I also bought some mini lemon pasteries from the French bakery place. Crap, they were good.

But the weekend was not all about eating- there was a tiny bit of exercise. Yesterday B and I participated in another bike move- this time helping move one of the guys who was on the bike camping trip. There were about eighteen people who showed up, and I made some new friends, had lots of laughs, hard lemonade, and pizza. Ugh. Anyway, on the way to the bike move, two kittens ran out from their yard to greet us (apparently not frightened by bikes), and proceeded to jump into B's trailer and play! Check out the pics below...
They were so precious, and I was tempted to take them home...(Also, notice how slim B looks!)

Here's about half the group at the intersection of a very busy boulevard waiting for the light to change. Surprisingly, no drivers honked at us, but we did get a lot of people grinning and rolling down their windows asking what was going on. I think everyone was so nice cause it was a Sunday and after church...

That's me looking very cold next to the bike with the crazy yellow floaties.

This was the guy we were moving and he hauled that giant chest of drawers on his bike. (The rest of that sign is "...Engine" and notice the "Diesel" crossed out)

Now, I'm dealing with a cold this week, so I haven't run but once the whole week, so I wasn't exactly surprised to see that I gained two pounds this week. But I'm okay with that, because for the next few weeks, I'll go back to trying to stay within my points limits, get back on my running schedule, and will probably lose a few more pounds before Thanksgiving, which I will promptly regain and lose again before Xmas. As long as the overall trend line is heading down, a few little bumps don't really worry me.

Today I'm planning to crock pot a Chicken Chili Verde stew and bake low-fat corn muffins (I'll post recipes if they turn out) to accompany my first Spanish lesson using this new software I got. I am considering going on a bike tour of the Iberian peninsula next year with some folks, and since I already have a background in Spanish (plus a sister in law who is Columbian), I thought I'd work on becoming fluent in Spanish. And then after that, Swahili!

Jambo friends!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Isn't She Purty?

Meet my new niece, Layne! Isn't she a little supermodel? My sister Megan popped her out last week all natural like (crazy one, she is). Okay, "popped out" is not exactly accurate, it actually took about 50 hours of labor (after Layne decided she wanted to come out about 18 days early- she just couldn't wait!), but everything went swimmingly.

Congratulations you guys- what an amazing thing you've done!

Now I really need to organize the baby pic folder on my computer named "Babies".... so many babies!

Monday, October 15, 2007

This is More Like It

Why bother about dating when there's Bike Camping to do!

This weekend I loaded up the Blue Tortoise (just now came up with that one off the top o' my ass) and followed a diverse group of bike fans called Exchange Cycle Tours about 40 miles up to Ariel, Washington to participate in a potlatch hosted by the Lelooska Foundation. It was so much fun! We met Saturday morning with our bikes all loaded up for an overnight of camping, which I'm now a little more comfortable with since I've got one trip under the belt (or chain!). There were nine of us, and I'd previously met half before on other rides, but most of us didn't know each other well.We arrived at our campsite late Saturday afternoon after a fairly smooth ride (with the exception of a few flat tires and brake issues), worn out, but excited to see the show, so after setting our tents up and cleaning up a bit, we rode uphill for about 5 miles (yeesh...with the hills already) and got to the place just in time to get seated and watch the show. It was a beautiful show featuring the stories, dances, and masks of the coastal Pacific Northwest tribes. I now have a much greater appreciation of the cultural significance of masks, where previously they never held much meaning for me. But for so many other cultures, the masks and accompanying music and dances is to them like what TV is for us. Sad, but well, there you go. After the show we were starving since we hadn't had time to eat dinner, and must have looked pretty pathetic, because we managed to get ourselves invited to join the performers for a feast. We had wonderful conversations with the members of the Lelooska family- it was a true cultural exchange.

The next morning back at camp, we had hot chocolate, coffee, and jo-jo's! (fried potato wedges for you southerners) around the fire and had pretty intense conversation about the world.

Two of the ECT members are from China, and one is from India, plus we seemed to have different regions of the US represented, so it was fascinating to discuss world events with people from such diverse cultural heritages. I think we all learned quite a bit from this "breaking of the bread", and while we didn't quite bring about world peace, all nine of us at least now have a better understanding of each other and by extension, the world, from the stories we each told. And that, plus love, my friends is all you really need.
Okay, and some snazzy shoes too!

Monday, October 8, 2007

I Hate Dating

Okay, Megan. Not nice to make a pregnant woman wait. But there's not too much to tell from the big date. Nice guy, funny, was excommunicated from the Catholic Church, hates Bush, likes animals...wait a minute...excommunicated? Yeah, he actually wrote letters to the Bishop of the parish where he was baptized several times to convince them that he was an atheist, so that they would excommunicate him. Which I found to be really fucking funny. Especially since I myself am a recovering Catholic. I didn't know that you are still counted as a member of the church if you've been baptized (so what the hell is Confimration for?) unless you're officially excommunicated. If it wasn't such a hassle, I'd totally do it myself. Funny that it's actually hard to be excommunicated. Kinda like the Mafia I guess. "They just keep pullin me back in!"

Anyway, guy was fine, but no chemistry, and I had dreaded the date so much that I've decided to take a hiatus from dating for awhile. What? But you just started! But I don't want to do it! (said in my best whiniest I'm-such-a-baby-voice) Really. Not only does the thought of going out with another Match person make me want to poke a pencil in my eye, but I actually decided that I should probably meet some girl friends first, so that when my date goes terribly wrong, and he turns out to be a republican who loves four-wheelin in his Chevy, I can go have drinks with one of my gal pals and commiserate. So where is the Match for pals? I was actually looking at the girl portraits on the website and saw many girls that I have a lot in common with. But, probably not the best forum to email one of them with a proposal of friendship. Might creep 'em out actually.

There are actually lots of good opportunities to make pals here; I just need to get out of the damn house to find those opportunities. I'm waiting a bit longer for the running club (won't meet many people at the back of the pack, plus talking while running is still quite a challenge for me), but there is the Church of Craft, a monthly Sunday meet-up of those who worship DIY craftiness (yup, this town is full of nuttiness!). And I just met the 'minister' of said church (who happens to be a real-life minister too!) at a craft swap meet this past weekend, and she was very warm and friendly. There's also my kickboxing class, but to meet people there, I actually have to show up for class once in a while.

So, I hate that I am denying the three of you the juicy entertainment of my latest in dating disasters, but it's only a temporary hiatus, I promise. Like my mother drives me to drink, so will she drive me to date...and drink more. (Good thing she's got a sense of humor!)

By the way, he asked me out again after our date, I told him I'd love to meet him again (because he was a perfectly nice guy, and I didn't want to say no), then I was so nauseous about going on another date, that I emailed him and canceled. I'm such a dillhole.

(Y'all can thank Erin for the new Word of the Day!)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Even better than Puppies...

Walk around town with a popcorn maker under your arm, and you will meet people. Really!

Yesterday I was out and about running errands, and popped into this little shop that sells vintage kitcheny things, and found one of those old UFO-lookin popcorn makers that I remember using as a kid. You know the ones with the big yellow plastic tops? Yeah, well, I got one! Cause I hate microwave popcorn (unless it's the Orville low fat kettle corn), and I'm tired of burning it on my stovetop.

Anyway, I tucked my new purchase not so gracefully under my arm and proceeded down the street to run a few more errands, like picking up a book recommended by a new friend! (calm down there- not a guy, but a girl), and finding a cat food bowl placemat- I know, thrilling! So as I was shopping, I had at least 5 different people comment about my popcorn maker. One asked where I got it, another said (to his girlfriend unfortunately) "look! a popcorn maker!" like it was a UFO. And one girl asked me what it was! I guess she was probably too young to know that there was a time before microwaves. So I struck up a few conversations because of a stupid appliance. What an icebreaker, huh?

So that's really the most interesting thing that's happened to me since I posted last.

Well, I guess I did go to Hawaii. That was pretty cool. (My job really blows ya know). I drove up to the North Shore of Oahu and ate garlic shrimp from a roadside truck, and watched surfers. Dude!

Then I went to the Big Island and hiked in a volcano (it was raining, which is why my hair looks like a squirrels nest). Neato. But not really blog-worthy, you know? And after Hawaii, I flew to Des Moines. And the only interesting thing about Des Moines is that Bill Bryson comes from there. As he says, "Somebody had to".

Then, I made a new friend here in Portland. She likes to read and talk about books and drink bloody mary's. Excellent.

I promise things will get more interesting in the next few weeks. I've got a date tomorrow, and am going bike camping up to Washington next weekend to see an Indian show. That should be really cool. And I'll tell you all about it.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Now that I'm officially single, I've been perusing some of the online dating sites; just browsing the aisles, checkin out what kinds of fish are out there. So I began creating a profile on one of the sites with the intention of posting it officially in a few months. You are supposed to post photos of yourself and just for fun I uploaded this one above until I could get a better picture taken. This one was taken at a historic firehouse museum I visited during a Small Museum tour of Portland by bike, it's one of those big cutouts that you stick your face in. I just picked this one because it's so dumb- I didn't actually intend to use this as my official photo, more like a private joke with myself.

So anyway, I happened to go by the site last night to browse the bachelors and I noticed a message on the page that said I had a wink! A 'wink' is what you can send for free to someone to express interest, so this took me a bit by surprise since I didn't realize anyone could see my portrait yet. And then it dawned on me that they saw the stupid fireman picture! And still winked at me! Oh holy crap!

Well, let's just say I've begun corresponding with the 'winker', and have paid my fees to the site, so now I guess I am officially back 'on the market'. So this should be interesting for the four of you who read my posts- you know I'm going to have some interesting adventures (and of course misadventures) to report. So stay tuned...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Almost an Athlete

BP = 113/75 Pulse = 55

Those beautiful numbers are my blood pressure today. I've been off my bp medicine for weeks now and it looks like she's holdin steady. And my doctor said I'd be on medicine for the rest of my life...pffftt. Eat your heart out doc!

My resting pulse is what really gets me though- a year ago my resting pulse was typically in the 80's and 90's, but now I've got a pulse closer to an athlete's pulse. So you know what that means?

I'm almost an athlete!

Athlete or even athletic is one of those descriptors I never thought I would use for myself, kinda like Astronaut, Philanthropist, Transvestite, etc., but here I am 20 years later after nearly failing the Presidential Fitness Test (passed only because of sympathetic gym teacher), and am almost an athlete. I'm not sure when or if I'll ever be comfortable enough to describe myself as such, maybe when I can finally do a pull-up, or maybe when I run a half-marathon, but I'll always probably think if myself as geeky bookworm with crafty proclivities who also happens to run. Not that it's important how we or others decide to label ourselves, but one of the most important things I learned in that transition from adolescence to adulthood (i.e., the 20's) was that it is what we do that defines who we are, not what we think we are or what we hope to be.

So if you run, you are a runner. If you make art, you are an artist. You don't have to be a particularly good artist to be considered one (think Jackson Pollock), nor do you have to be an elite or fast runner to be called a runner (and the term 'jogger' is so 1980's, so lets banish that term immediately).

Even if you go out for a 6 mile run, and only manage 5 miles (1 mile of which is walked) because you feel like such crap, and you come home and throw your shoe at the wall because you're so disgusted, you are still a runner. Sigh.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Ripping the Band-Aid

Well, B and Possum have finally moved out. After breaking up more than 6 months ago, we are now officially broken up. The reason it took so long is that we've got one of those weird relationships that was always more like a friendship than anything, and a very close friendship at that. We were one of those couples that could always finish the other's sentence, we never fought, and it was just really easy. So why did we break up? It was mainly about kids. I had decided that I would eventually like to start a family, whereas B decided that he has no interest in kids, so we knew then that we weren't the perfect match like we had previously thought. So, we decided to stay tight friends, and we thought we could continue to be roomies for awhile (since we don't know many people here), but we both would like to start dating again (okay, I'm not really looking forward to it, but it's gonna have to happen soon), and after long consideration and lots of advice from family and friends (and repeated phone calls from Mom), we decided to rip the band-aid.

We're still going to be close friends and riding buddies, so I'm not too sad about breaking up. But I am very sad about Possum. That's the worst part about it, you know? Oh well, cats always seem to come and go in my life, just like....well, you know. In the meantime, I've got the two old biddies to keep me company. They're not as much fun as Possum, but well, I can't exactly trade them in. (I tease!)

Monday, September 3, 2007

Stupid Brie

No loss this week.

(it was totally worth it)

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

Hey y'all, I sure have been busy this holiday weekend, laboring my way around Mt. Saint Helens (click on picture for more), and running an 8K race!

Friday we went for a hike around the famous volcano, and what a sight! The landscape is breathtaking for both its beauty and the absolute devastation. Twenty seven years later most of the north side still looks much like a lunar landscape, but vegetation is beginning to colonize, with the wildflowers the most dramatic; bright orange indian paintbrush and purple foxgloves (don't you just love that name?) against a backdrop of ashy grays. The trail we took was pretty quiet, and not too challenging, at least that's what I thought until the next day when I could hardly stand my calves were so sore. Great. And I've got a race to run.

After the hike we were planning on eating all our newly earned activity points at a steak joint, so we pulled very hungry into this place that advertised steaks, only to find a not-friendly-smokey-drunk-redneck type of place, so we get back in the car in search of another steak joint. But as we soon discovered, looking for restaurants in small towns while starving does not make for judicious dining decisions, so we ended up at Burgerville, where I ate...guess what? You got it, a burger. And onion rings....and a blackberry milkshake (only half of a small!). But, fear not, I was still within my weekly points range, so despite the greasefest, I didn't completely blow it.

This morning the fun continued as I ran the 5 mile portion of the Champoeg Half Marathon event in beautiful pastoral countryside. It was a pretty small race with what looked like less than 200 people, and only about 20 running the 5 mile. Which worried me a bit, because I was afraid I'd be last, but alas, I was probably about 12th or so, and I PR'd! I ran a 10.5 minute mile! Okay, not so very fast for most runners, actually considered a bit pokey, but for me, and other newbies like me, a very good time. I'm especially surprised because I had seriously damaged my calves hiking on Friday. I wonder if it's the hill workouts I've incorporated lately... I read an article recently that recommended hill repeats to improve speed. Not very much fun, but perhaps it pays off...

Anyway, I got my first medal (!) and of course the t-shirt, and a nice glowy feeling that took me all the way to the Nike outlet store for a new outfit as my reward. I'm actually wearing real running shorts after a year of baggy cutoff gym pants and old soccer shorts, and what a difference it makes. No more of the embarrassing 'crotch gather' and subsequent 'butt-pick'. I decided that I don't care if my legs are still a little on the jiggledy-wiggly side, I want to run and not think about my damn clothes.

So the weigh-in is tomorrow, and I'll let you know what happens, but don't expect too much because despite all the activity, this was a week of serious food debauchery. Next week shouldn't be too bad since I'm at home most of the week, with one day out by the airport in Albany *shudder*, so not too worried about temptations.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Dining Dilemma

Okay, so I'm in San Diego, I have 16 points left for dinner, and right around the corner from my hotel is a restaurant one of my students recommended highly- especially for their Pipian crusted brie (what the hell is a pipian?) with jalapeno jelly, honey roasted garlic, grilled nopales, and scallion flatbread. CRAP! Plus, they apparently have really good creme brulee, which is like my kryptonite. I think I may have to just live a little and use the rest of my weekly points in one shot. I hate using them up before the weekend (I've been using them towards a small oreo blizzard on Sundays), but when's the next time I get to dine in a fabulous restaurant in San Diego on the company's dime? Believe it or not, I rarely get to eat this well in other cities. These last few weeks in California have been such a treat, and I've been eating well, and still losing, so to hell with it! I'm totally gonna eat cheese and creme brulee!

I knew you all would understand, so thanks for your support.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

6 Miles, Take 2!

It's been a whopping 4 months since I last ran 6 miles, but this morning I did it again (for those of you who measure your runs in feline sightings, it was a 12 cat run!). As you may remember, I don't tend to do well in the morning, but I was up at 6 this morning since B was on his way to ride the Portland Century (100 miles!). So I ate a Clif bar (blueberry crisp flavor...my new addiction), drank two cups of coffee, a big glass of water, and at 8 was out the door in my cute new spiffy green Oregon Ducks shorts (hey, you gotta look cute, ya know). Well, I think I hit upon a winning strategy for morning runs, because I felt great, and only stopped twice to walk briefly (for one minute). It must have been the Clif bar, because when I've run on just coffee, I tend to feel a little nauseous. And the key was to wait until the Clif bar left my tummy and do my....well, you know...business.

I'm still counting points and still losing steadily- another two pounds for last week. I had to wear a diaper pin to hold up my suit pants this past week (ladies suit pants rarely have belt loops- what's up with that?) Since I was in San Francisco this week (one of my favorite cities to teach in), I had saved up my weekly point allowance (35) for the trip, and boy did I have fun using them! I ate mini donuts on Pier 39 (holy crap, those should be outlawed), sourdough bread, and all sorts of chocolate. Totally worth it. I burned off quite a few points running along the Embarcadero, which is so much fun! Good people watching there. I felt like such a schlup though compared to all the foxy gals that look like they popped out of Vogue. I should really get my eyebrows waxed...

So this week I'm off to San Diego, which should have some good running spots. My hotel is right next to the harbor, so maybe I can run and look at boats!

Monday, August 20, 2007

How much does my gas weigh?

Seriously though, I'm amazed that I go to bed one weight and in the morning, I've lost 5 pounds! Apparently it has everything to do with water retention, but that still baffles me; I know I didn't pee 5 pounds worth of water last night. Whatever. I'm pretty sure it's because yesterday I made a concerted effort to drink more water than usual (funny how in order to lose the water weight, you have to drink more water, I think it's something to do with cell osmosis, or somethin...), which seems to have done the trick today, for I am down another couple of pounds. Excellent...

I'm astounded though cause recently I seem to have crossed some clothing size threshold even though I haven't lost that many pounds, and I'm now a comfortable (maybe even a bit loose) size 12. Yesterday I went to Nordstrom Rack (the outlet store for all the pootzy last season clothes) and bought some new threads, including a cute Ann Taylor suit for under 100.00, and I practically hooted with joy in the dressing room as I tried it on. Not something I would normally do in a dressing room. Weep, perhaps, but not hoot.

So, today I decided to go through clothes in my own closet (shudder) and see what treasures I could find that haven't seen the light for several years. Let me tell you: I can now fit into every single article in that closet (except for one anthropologie dress that was purchased way too small because it was on sale and so cute) , even some of my Star Bar days vintage dresses that, I don't care what Stacey and Clinton say, I will not get rid of. Yippee!!!!

So I guess countin' points is workin. By the way, B lost three more this week, so we're pretty stoked. Here is a lunchtime favorite I've been making when I'm in town and a sandwich doesn't sound appealing (I've included point values for WW folks that might stumble in here):

7 Point Lavash Pepperoni Pizza
This is a single serving extra thin cracker-crust pizza- great when craving a 'bad' pizza
  • 1/2 Trader Joe's lavash (2 pt) sprayed lightly with olive oil and broiled until starts to turn brown.
  • Flip lavash upside down (oil side down- this helps keep it firm rather than soggy)
  • Thinly spread favorite tomato sauce (I like Newman's Own Sockarooni - 1 pt)
  • Add turkey pepperoni (and/or whatever veggies you like- 10 slices of the pepperoni is 2 pt. I add garlic, red pepper flakes, and onions)
  • Sprinkle 1/4 cup of 2% mozzerella cheese (2 pt- if you like a bit more, add 1 more pt)
  • Place under broiler until cheese is bubbly and beginning to brown.
  • Enjoy!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Hobo Cats

Oh. My. God. My two favorite topics, hobos and cats, have a cartoon. I found this link from my favorite website EVER. Why didn't I know about this sooner!?

The Laugh-Out-Loud Cats.

This is even better than the Mutts Shtinky cat (unless Shtinky is singing about his treasured "lil pink shock!" it's a cat with a lisp and sock fetish, get it?)

My, your points sure do look tasty....

Hey everybody! (said in my best Will Ferrel does Harry Caray voice)

So I've just returned from my San Jose leg, and barely squeaked through the last few days without totally blowing my points. One of my 'tricks' is to eat packets of oatmeal in the hotel room for breakfast (4 points), avoiding the minefield of points that is the hotel breakfast buffet. Also, that stuff is nasty. I don't care how many stars a place has, the eggs are always weird and rubbery, the bacon is so thin it's transparent, and whatever you do, don't eat the muffins! They have been in that case since 1983!

So for lunches on the road I usually have to rely on the sandwich cafe found in many of the buildings I teach, but if I order a turkey on wheat with mustard and all the veggies they have, I can keep my lunch down to 6 points, which leaves me with 14-20 points for dinner (grilled or broiled fish/chicken/pork and steamed veggies plus popcorn for dessert!) depending on whether I exercised or not that day. Still, turkey gets really old. So, for this last trip I thought I would be smart and request a microwave and fridge in my room so I could bring my famous (okay not really, but it makes it sound tastier) 4 point black beans and brown rice from home to eat for lunches instead of sandwiches, and it would have worked beautifully had it not been for the increasingly ridiculous dog and pony show that is the TSA. There was liquid in my beans! (which were in my carry-on luggage) So they took my beautiful homemade with enough garlic to kill a camel cuban-style beans! Sigh. Next time, I plan on freezing the beans and checking them. Stupid liquid rules.


In case you're wondering about my current running status... I am still running diligently, have worked up to 5 miles again, and am getting faster! My 'normal' pace is now a 11.5 minute mile. Before I know it, I'll be at the 10 minute mile, which is where I will be happy, and the point at which I'll feel comfortable enough to join the local runners club.

When I'm not running, I'm still riding the blue beast. Our most recent outing was the Bridge Pedal, an annual event where the city pretty much shuts down all the major bridges over the Willamette River to most vehicles except for bikes (and peds) for a few hours on a Sunday morning. It's an organized ride which requires registration and a donation to the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) here in Portland, and this year close to 20,000 bicycle riders showed up, from the wee'est of kids to the gramps and grannys, the lycra clad, and hipsters, clowns, and everything in between.
(Doncha just love the groovy vest we had to wear?)

We chose the 10 bridge option which was close to a 40 mile ride, but we got to ride on bridges that are normally too scary for me to ride in traffic, and on a few of the bigger bridges, there were parties! Food, music (bagpipers!), and Starbucks! Check out the line!

It was a very hard ride, and I like to have died the last few miles, but boy was it worth it. Worth at least 15 points, anyway.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My New Favorite Thing

Haagen-dazs fat free raspberry sorbet vanilla yogurt bars. 100 calories, zero fat, and only 2 points.

It's the best thing ever.

The Popcorn Incident

So, I promised I'd post about the Popcorn Incident of 2007, an event in the continuing saga of the not-so-savvy traveler, yours truly. Although it's really not so much an illustration of poor travel choices, but rather a demonstration of how cranky I get when I try to diet. But first a little background...

I began counting Weight Watcher points last week in an effort to finally once and for all get down to my drivers license weight. I had naively thought that running alone would do it, but I had reached a plateau since losing the 20 post-quit-smoking pounds. So B and I decided that if we can quit smoking together, then surely we can lose weight together (especially since we're still living together as roommates, and often eating together), so now we're in this together, which makes it sooo much easier. Especially since I don't go to the meetings, which engenders accountability and support, but can be really annoying. In the (almost) three years that we've lived with each other, I have attempted to diet approximately 12 times, and not to place blame on B, but my efforts have always been easily derailed by the innocent bag of cheese puffs lying on his desk, or the "hey, you wanna make some chili-cheese dip?" Very tough to resist. So imagine my delight (and surprise) when B (after seeing a shirtless picture of himself), decided to make a concerted effort to diet with me.

For those of you unfamiliar with the points system, it's Weight Watcher's proprietary method for calculating daily food limits- it combines calories, fat, and fiber to develop a point value for any given food item. And based on a chart of weight ranges, you are assigned a daily points target (mine is 24). Many have found it's actually more effective than just counting calories.

So we started last Sunday, and my first big test was in Los Angeles. So before departing, I stocked up on 100 calorie snack packs, fruit, instant oatmeal, and mini bags of low fat Kettle Corn popcorn (only 2 points per bag!). The popcorn being the most significant item, in case you haven't figured it out already. So my second night at the ghetto hotel, I got the munchies. And normally, I'd have plugged some change into one of the vending machines (part of the reason I can't seem to lose weight. go figure), but I remembered I'd packed a delicious low point treat: microwave popcorn! But, alas! No microwave in the room. So, I called down to the front desk to see if there were any microwaves in the building, and they told me the restaurant kitchen was the only place with microwaves, so I bopped down to the restaurant (it was after the dinner rush at this point), and asked one of the staff if there was any way they would be kind enough to pop my bag for 1 minute/thirty seconds. "We don't have no microwaves" (Huh?) "But, the front desk...", "We got a microwave in the employee lounge, but it's off limits to guests" (umm, thinking at this point, I'm paying 150.00 a night, and you won't let me use your damn microwave?) "Listen, I'm on a special diet and I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out here", "Well...okay, I get Tony to go up there for you", "Hey Tony!" So, Tony takes my bag (with a look that suggests he'd rather be text-messaging his pals, instead of helping this crazy chic) and nods his head when I say "just a minute and a half is all it takes, and thank you so much!" So, 5 minutes later (do you see where this is going?) he returns, sheepishly, with a bag that looks vaguely like mine, only if it had been torched to a crisp. He apologizes for burning my popcorn, but they will be happy to give me a bag of chips in return. I shake my head no, and take my shriveled, smelly bag out to the lobby and stuff it into the garbage, and trudge back to my room, fighting back tears (I'm telling you, the first week of a diet is hell on my emotions). I call B in a fit of rage and rant about the damn popcorn, and probably scare him a little. After I get off the phone, I dig through my stores, and wait! here's another bag! So, I head out to my rental, drive up to the 7-eleven, and pop my popcorn in their microwave, drive back to the hotel, and eat my damn popcorn. Looking back on it now, I see clearly that I am a crazy person. But dammit! It shouldn't be that hard to pop a damn bag of popcorn!

And yes, from now on I plan on requesting a microwave in my hotel rooms.


And in case you're wondering - in a week I have lost two pounds and B has lost four. So unfair.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Rick Steves I am Not

Sometimes, I'm not the most savvy traveler. Like when I double book myself at two hotels (of the same chain) in the same city, stay at the ghetto one unawares until the day I'm to leave, when I look through my email and notice a confirmation from the better hotel that I somehow missed, so I have to call the better hotel and explain that I wasn't exactly a no-show, I just ended up at their other (ghetto) property across the street, for four days. I'm not going to name names, but the hotel name starts with "S" and ends with "N" and in the middle "herato". The 4 Points is the ghetto version. And this hotel does everything wrong. From the cigarette burned carpets, to the repulsive potpourri "plug-ins" in the lobby (I guess to cover up the stale cigarette smell), to the lack of microwaves in the rooms (or anywhere else in the hotel, which incidentally led to the "Popcorn Incident" which I'll describe in a later post- yes it deserves its own post), to the surly attitude of the front desk staff, to the air conditioner that rattled so loud I asked to move to another room, only to discover the rattle was a feature in the new room too! No extra charge! To the shower head that didn't work properly, ect..... Don't even get me started with the fitness room that has the treadmill shoved into a corner, so that you're facing a wall, with a stationary bike directly behind it, that will inevitably be occupied as soon as you think you've got the room to yourself, get on the treadmill to stare at the wall, only to find that someone else has just come in and is now on the exercise bike directly behind you staring at your bouncing bum. Which then leads you to quickly dismount the treadmill after 5 minutes and head outside to run in the urban blight of a wasteland that is the LAX neighborhood. I'm lucky I wasn't shot. At least I didn't have to look at a wall. Anyway, what a shitty trip this has been. And it only gets better....

I'm now in LAX waiting for my 8:30 (but delayed) flight home to Portland with a growly stomach. This has got to be the most miserable airport in the whole wide world. It just sucks the soul out of you like one of those dementors. Now, I have a routine on my last day in a city, where I leave the lab after class, head directly to the airport, and find a nice sit-down restaurant to eat and relax in until it's time to head to the gate. So, I take my bag to the check-in counter, and the lady behind the desk informs me that my flight is delayed by 30 minutes, which is fine with me since I'm going to have a nice leisurely dinner at one of the restaurants in the terminal. I have 2.5 hours now before my flight leaves, so I head through security anticipating a not-great, but somewhat decent dinner, since I can expense it. Well, the terminal I'm in has no nice restaurants. Burger King, a sausage stand, and a noisy, packed sports bar with tvs everywhere. Have I mentioned that I'm doing Weight Watchers again? (I'm just counting points- not going to meetings) So, not too many healthy choices. But I have to eat, so I order a chicken sausage dog, and look for a place to eat it. But all the places to sit are taken up with other people who's flights have been delayed, canceled, ect. So I end up sitting on the floor. I take a bite of the dog and immediately throw it away it's so repulsive. I try my luck again with a pre-made chicken sandwich, and wouldn't you know it, can't eat more than a few bites it's so soggy and nasty. So while I'm wandering around hoping to find something edible, I hear an announcement for a final boarding call to Portland. Huh? Oh shit. There was an earlier flight I could have flown out on. I usually check with the check in counter people to see if there are any earlier flights, but I was so hungry, I wasn't as concerned with getting out on an earlier flight. So at this point, I'm so mad and upset, I'd punch a unicorn, both at myself, and at the bitch at the check in counter who didn't mention an earlier flight I could have tried to get on rather than be delayed in smelly LAX. So I decide to vent in an email to a friend, and damn! after sending it I reread it and realized how insane I sound. Below is an excerpt from my rant:

i can literally feel my blood pressure spiking to new heights. you
thought the popcorn incident was bad? the only thing that's keeping me from bursting into tears is that i can't decide whether to throw myself on this rotten foul carpet and burst into tears, or take a garbage can and throw it at the @#$%^&* behind the counter. so, i'm trying to decide which public spectacle would make me feel better: a childish temper tantrum, or a violent act that will surely make me instantly famous.

So, I thought maybe it would be more constructive to post to the blog, since I haven't posted all week, and it will keep me busy until the danger of my making a scene passes.

So far, so good. I've calmed down quite a bit. I think the gate agent is now out of danger.

Friday, August 3, 2007

So, what lame excuse do you use?

For not exercising that is. I got a whole sleeve and hat full of 'em- we all do apparently (this has been a topic of conversation with friends and family lately). But this morning I was planning to tell myself to f*** off and get over it already and get the hell out of bed. So, it sorta worked since I actually went running this morning on a treadmill, at my hotel. See, normally I run in the late afternoon/evening, at home and on the road, cause I have a really hard time getting up in the morning early when I'm traveling, due to time zone shiftiness, and trouble falling asleep before midnight. But my new half marathon training calls for running 5 days a week, which means that I have to run on the road more than I'm used to, and that means the occasional morning run before I teach.

Anyway, this morning I had set my alarm to 5:30, planning on doing 3 miles, which would leave me just enough time to shower, change, and drink coffee, before my taxi arrived at 7:15. That would have worked beautifully if I had actually woken up at 5:30. When the phone started ringing (don't trust wake-up calls), the bad Peachy grabbed the alarm clock and somehow managed to wake up enough to turn it off and reschedule it for 6:15 (a pretty complicated maneuver, I might add), so the bad Peachy fell back asleep while the good Peachy attempted, unsuccessfully, to guilt the bad peachy into waking up to run. Well, it didn't work so well. But! When the 6:15 alarm went off, good Peachy punished bad Peachy by forcing her to put on running clothes and head straight down to the treadmill with no coffee for a quick run. Boy, was bad Peachy pissed. But, it turned out for the best, good and bad reconciled because the run was actually really good (although only managed two miles due to compromise with bad Peachy). I was sad to have to cut it off early, but also glad that I finally broke out of the old lame excuse of yore. So, I am going to try it again next week! In the meantime, I'm stickin to my usual early evening schedule, since I seem to do best at this time of day, although you never know, I may become a morning runner yet...

By the way, have I mentioned how much I hate the airlines? All of them. I was posting this entry at the Indianapolis airport when I heard my flight home was going to be way too late for me to make my connection home, so they kindly put me up for the night in a fleabag. At least I'm next to an Awful Waffle, which I've missed since leaving the South, so I just HAD to order a scattered, covered, smothered, and peppered, cooked very well. Yum. And Eww, all at the same time! How is that possible?

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Aquafina is Tap Water

Wake up people, and stop buying tap water from these snake oil salesman.

Here's the article

Updated: Unless you're in Florida or South Georgia, because your tap water tastes like butt.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Hey! Take a look at some of my hobo-globes (now hyphenated thanks to someone who thought it said "hobgoblins"). Check out the pirate scratchin his butt (mom found him at a flea market).

Bike Camping

A few weeks ago we went bike camping for the first time with B's friend Reese from Seattle to Oxbow Park. Were stayed only one night since it was a last minute, day before "hey let's try camping by bike!" impulsive thing. We loaded everything up on the bikes, including 345 pound cooler (with absolutely no alcoholic beverages because they aren't allowed), camp chairs, and other heavy non-essential comfort items (because I'm a pansy girl). B volunteered to haul the trailer (since he's the strongest rider), while Reese and I had less heavy (but by no means insubstantial) panniers on our bikes...

Note the running shoes tied to my bike , just in case the 25 miles of HUGE HILLS weren't enough friggin exercise.

He was cussin up a storm the whole time, but I couldn't blame him since he was hauling the equivalent of a baby elephant up and down these hellacious hills. We'd have broken up... if we hadn't already.
That's Reese from Seattle. He has cool tattoos.

I did manage to get a few shots of the country side, but not as many as I'd have liked because we were either flying down hills at 40 mph, or painfully slogging up hills cussing murderously at each other and passing cars.

I'd do it again, but to do over I'd need some of that lightweight backpacker gear, cause my stuff is too damn heavy. And I'm gonna have to learn to camp without the inflatable mattress...

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Please, put me out of my misery

Did anyone else happen to notice a recent headline in USA Today "White House sees black gold in melting sea ice"?

I'll let that "sink" in for another moment...

Okay, anyone else want to tear their hair out of their heads now? I know I do.

The article discussed how a little treaty may stymie BushCo access to a bonanza of oil that may be accessible now that Arctic sea ice has decreased by close to 20 percent in the last twenty years. And there was not even a hint of the overwhelming, slap-on-forehead irony of all this.

And why has the Arctic sea ice decreased so quickly? Hmm...(Conversation between uninformed USA Today reader and myself ensues) Maybe something to do with the burning of fossil fuels? Oh! I know! It's the natural fluctuation in climate! Yeah! Except that all the evidence points to human caused global warming. Oh, well, that's just lib'rul propoganda. You know, you're right. Liberals want everyone to give up their cars, to stop all manufacturing, and go back to eating grubs in the dirt....

I really need to stop reading that Entertainment Tonight disguised as a newspaper.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Oh, the Shame!

I know...bad blogger! Sorry I took such a long vacation from blogopolis, but I'm back now...

...with not a whole lot to report. Except that I'm working on a half marathon training program in preparation for a race in Atlanta on Turkey day, and if it goes well, I'm signing up for the Austin Marathon in February. Eee!! But before all that takes place, I'm running in a little 8K near Portland in September. So, the training is going well so far, I'm just concentrating on running 5 days a week with my long one on Sunday, two cross training days (one x-train day is on a run day), and one full rest day, and believe it or not I'm finding it hard to actually rest on my rest day. My schedule's been goofy lately, with me home on some Fridays, and when it's nice, what do I want to do?

You got it: bike ride'o'rama! This past Friday B and I rode with some bikey friends up a big ol' cinder cone called Rocky Butte with some serious elevation gain. The whole trip was 30 miles (that was heading up to north Portland to meet our buddies), but the major hill climbing was about a 500 ft gain in less than a mile. Yee-ouch! But once we got to the top, we could see 360 degrees of Portland! We could see Mt Hood, Mt. St. Helens, and the new IKEA out by the airport (now open!) Well worth the cranky knees and sore buttocks.

What else have I been up to.... oh yeah, I had a booth in a local craft fair selling my "hoboglobes" (snow globes made from random misfit trinkets rescued from Goodwill and flea markets 'repurposed' using recycled jars and lotsa glitter). The fair was kinda lame, none of the other vendors sold much. I sold four jars and traded two with a potter for one of her coffee cups. Shitty sales nowithstanding, it did give me an opportunity to get an insiders look at the crafty underground here in town, and boy lemmee tell ya: those gals are serious business! But they're also lots of fun, and I met some fabulously talented women who can do wonders with all sorts of materials (much of it recycled by the way). I may post some pictures later (I'm in Boise now away from my personal computer), so that you can see what folks out here do, as well as some pics of my jars.

That's about it for now, but I promise I'll be back soon...

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy Fourth!

Boom! Bam! Pow!

(Those were your exciting fireworks)

We did it! We completed the Peachtree 10K all in our own way. Step-mom and brothers, Colin and Mike, ran the whole thing. Pregnant sister Megan, niece-to-be Lainie (sp Meg?) and hubbie Brent waddled, while Dad and I walked a very brisk pace set by Dad. Jeez, he nearly killed me! It's funny, I decided to walk kind of at the last minute, for a few reasons (mainly cause I was so slack in my training these last few months), and it was a lot more fun to walk with Dad than to slog up those dang hills by myself. But, lemme tell you: walkin ain't exactly a picnic- I am sooo sore toady. Still, the 6 miles flew by as we watched all the crazy bystanders cheering us on with their goofy outfits, signs, and very patriotic pets (not just dogs, either; we saw a cat in one woman's arms!)

I'll post pictures as soon as I return to Portland, cause I'm still in the ATL hanging out with the fambly....