Sunday, November 18, 2007


Yeah, I slipped up a bit. Not so much out of weakness, but just pure forgetfulness, which I guess is kind of a weakness. I was at Starbucks ordering a drip coffee (not a Mocha as that is considered dessert) and right there in front of me sat a tray of samples of cranberry bliss bars, and I thought "yum, I like these" and before I knew it, doh! I just popped it in my mouth without even thinking, and I was not about to spit it out when I realized my error. I mean come on, there's blog challenges, and then there's Karen Carpenter behavior. So in the interest of integrity and (not quite) full disclosure, I have to reveal 1/8 of my before picture, since I ate about 1/8 of a dessert.

Hopefully it won't happen again, because I am really loathe to show any more.


Unknown said...

one time... a long, long time ago... when i was younger... i got in trouble for doing something bad at church youth group (i don't remember what now)... and they made me write an essay on integrity. i still remember that... but i still don't get the point. write an essay?! they obviously didn't realize that my morals/ethics/wholeness was NOT the same as theirs, nor that i am a master at bullshitting about ANYTHING on paper. how do you think i got to where i am today?! :)

anyway... i forgive you. keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

those crazy baptists...

Anonymous said...

So good to see you.....hope your holiday is painless. xoxo