Sunday, November 4, 2007

Yay for Girlz!!

Used without permission from the New York Times...please don't sue me :)

Aren't they just glorious? Those three were the top finishers of the New York City marathon, and I am so incredibly inspired. Would ya look at them gams?!

So I ran my 7 miles yesterday, and it was not easy. I had to walk a few times, although I didn't walk for long- 30 seconds to a minute at most. And boy, later last night after I'd settled on the couch for a movie (Chariots of Fire, appropriately enough, which I had never seen before...and how cheesy!), my legs were so sore! I had to struggle to get off the couch and to bed. It's been a long time since I've been that sore. Which I guess means I really needed that to get out of the running rut I've been in.

This morning I went to a restorative yoga class that was almost as good as a massage, so now my legs don't feel like the Tin Man's after a rain. But I really should have a massage once in a while. I've heard from so many people that it's almost a necessity for runners. But it just seems like such a luxury. I guess since I'm making a grown-up salary now I can afford one every once in a while, but still.

Anyway, you may notice that I'll be posting more nonsense with more frequency this month since it's NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month), and while it's too late for me to sign myself up for the challenge of one post per day for the month (plus y'all know I'm just too lazy), I will try to post a lot more than usual. So prepare yourselves for the onslaught of mediocre triviality! I promise to keep you in the titillating loop of my ongoing search for love (of cupcakes), my herculean journey as an aspiring "athlete", and my riveting quest for the perfect mixed metaphor (so far, 'blowing smoke up my sleeve' is a potential contender). So, stick around my friends, and prepare yourself for....


Unknown said...

had i known you were in the cupcake craze too we could've taken you to cupcake royale here.
these are the best things i've ever put in my mouth! better than those donuts at pike's - and that's saying something! it has even become a saturday ritual for us - cupcakes and coffee - sometimes for breakfast, sometimes for an afternoon snack. yummmmmmmmmmm!

Anonymous said...

i don't believe they're better than the donuts. how is that possible? it can't be!

shit. now i have to drive up there again and eat some damn cupcakes.