Saturday, February 24, 2007

One Hour Runner!

I made it! Broke the four mile barrier!! Got back from Denver last night, had the first good night's sleep in a while (with no help from pharmaceuticals), B. and I took the cats to the vet, came back, took a nap (wore out from the vet experience), then got up, saw blue skies (!), and went for a jog. B. rode his bike with me and kept me entertained by pointing out every cat he saw. So I ran for an hour with a few minute break halfway at the community center to take care of a sudden clenching in the gut (boy, am I happy I can run in a neighborhood with plenty of toilets- one of these days I will tell the story of getting the runner's trots in the corn fields of Indiana...*shudder*), so my time is still really pokey, but I don't care. I ran for one hour. Yay!


Anonymous said...

Yea! 1 hour!! That is awesome, Heather! Way to go...and go.... and....
Love ya,

Unknown said...

you're an effin riot! congrats! i am really proud of you! i'll take it as inspiration for my similar goal - 0 to 1650 (a swimmer's mile). for anyone interested, here's the link:
keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

(it got cut off before...)

P-town Peach said...

Diane- that's fantastic. I'm proud of you too! Brad is right- the three of us have each 'leg' of a triathlon. Good link too- I'm gonna see if I can fix the hyperlink, because right now you have to copy and paste one line a time (at least in Mozilla- maybe it works in IE). The sentence that resonates with me the most is "it requires the willingness to be somewhat uncomfortable". How true is that? Hmm... I feel a post comin...

P-town Peach said...

Here's Diane's link to the swimming site but in a 'tiny' url (thanks B!)