Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Most embarrassing guilty pleasure song

So, I'm a big ol' music snob- not nearly as bad as some (WARNING: language is very colorful there)- but pretty bad nonetheless. And I've been on the receiving end of scorn by other music snobs. Which is really kinda shitty; makes you want to say, "who the @#$% made you Dick Clark? asshole." So, now I try to take the "live and let live" attitude towards musical taste.

But...I can't help but find most sappy, slick, heartfelt-type music kind of offensive and insulting- you know, the kind of stuff some of your parents listen to. Sincerity in a song for one person may be percieved as insincerity by another (does that make any sense?). So, for example, Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On" can bring some people to tears, while others throw up in their mouths when they hear it. Another example: I am a big fan of roots-type music (alternative/insurgent country, americana), because I appreciate the down-to-earthiness of it, but some may think (in a bad way) of hillbillies and Pabst when they hear it.

But regardless of your musical proclivities, we all have that song (or like me, several) that you are too embarrassed to admit you like- for whatever reason. I would be MORTIFIED if my iTunes library went public. But- I don't mind sharing one or two of some of my embarrassing faves, because you know, we all have them. For example, earlier this evening, "The Eagle and the Hawk" by John Denver was stuck in my head. Boy, that one is sooo corny. And I know, it's probably okay to admit I like him now that he's (god rest his soul) passed on, but I liked him even when it was patently uncool. Another example: I have the Rocky theme song on every one of my iPod running playlists. How astonishingly embarrassing is that? I'm cringing right now! But it gets me through every time, so who gives a damn?

So, what's your most embarrassing guilty pleasure song? No judgement will be passed (by me anyway- I can't guarantee what others will say...) And Erin, you are limited to one or two :)


Anonymous said...

It just so happens that I have been downloading my cds onto my ipod this week. Now granted having a new baby it has taken me days to do one row, BUT from that row, Journey has got to be the #1 guiltiest pleasure. You all know that you love to do Steve Perry's falseto, don't lie. Open Arms has got to be my fav from my best of Journey cd. Yes I own it. Heather there are so many more but luckily for you I only did the H, I, J row and my mind is too sleep deprived to think of any more.

P-town Peach said...

That's a good one. What a rockin song! Brings back many memories of awkward adolesence too- reminds me of Brian Hinson, my big crush back then.

Have fun rippin your CD's - you'll be so happy once it's finished.