Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Queen City of the Plains

So I'm in Denver for the next few days. No big plans for excitement, just teach my two classes and skedaddle.

Why is the Denver airport in Nebraska? And why is it every time I'm here I end up on the ugly side of town (although the view from my room isn't too shabby if you ignore the big boxes from hell)?

At least I don't have to look at this.

In fitness news: Tomorrow I will probably hop on the dreadmill (since I'm in scary burbs surrounded by highways and no car to get to a nice park) and try to break the four mile barrier. Not only do I have dear brother (click with caution) to contend with, but I've also got dear step-mom and sister triathletes (not kidding) to deal with. I know, I know, we must all run our own race, but a little interfamilial competition is healthy and natural. I'm resting today since I can barely walk after personal training session with Caligula. I know a personal trainer seems a little extravagant, but the "gym" I just joined (it's not a typical gym- more like a martial-art-kickboxing-yoga mecca) had a really good deal, and I thought a little help in the weights department would be a good thing. Turns out, he's eventually gonna help me be a faster runner, but that's down the road a-ways. So, anyway, had kickboxing class on Monday, ran the next day, plus had training session with The Evil One later that day- oh! and I forgot to mention a teensy-weensy 40 mile bike ride that I took with B. on Saturday. So my legs are screamin- and that's after two ice baths this week! When will it stop? And speaking of ice baths: if you're ever in the mood for a lively pick-me-up, I can't recommend ice baths enough. They're a lotta fun- especially for whomever is close enough to hear the ear-piercing wails through the bathroom door.

In food news: Being East coast girl, I wasn't really aware of the Trader Joe's phenomenon, but since I've moved out here I'm beginning to understand the hooplah. Right now my most favorite quick 'n easy eat healthy at home foods are TJ's frozen brown rice and their Greek mango and apricot yogurt (not together mind you). Holy smokes! As Rachel Ray (whose laugh apparently requires the punch of a unicorn), would say, "delish"! Apparently, TJ's have begun opening shops in the ATL, so y'all back home can check it out for yourselves.

In other news: I'm moving in a few weeks to a new apartment due to not-really-sad-but-it's actually-a-really-good-thing redefining of my current relationship from boyfriend-girlfriend to let's just be pals. We're so much alike that it was a completely mutual thing. So, anyway, we're gettin separate pads, and mine is in this excellent neighborhood- Sellwood/Moreland- just a few minutes away from where I am now. My apartment (see pic below) is a block from cutesie coffee shops, restaurants, antiquey boutiques, ect (kinda like a small, more laid-back Va-Hi for my ATL homies). The only downside is that there is a coffee roaster right across the street, so it will perpetually smell like burnt toast, but the coffee's supposed to be good, so might be a fair trade-off.

Now, it looks like I've got some kooky neighbors (not unusual in this town) who like giant ironic sculptures in their front yard, which could be a lotta fun, but probably not nearly as much fun as these guys. A few more blocks away is access to Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge and the famous multi-use Springwater Corridor trail (on which I was running the other day when it began to HAIL!)Anyway, it's a trail that runs along the east bank of the Willamette River for several miles, and is one of my favorite Portland things. It's along this trail that I catch myself saying things like, "I love this friggin town!"

Well, that's enough ramblin' for the night, gotta hits de hay. Nighty-night friends.


Anonymous said...

I feel so inspired, where are those damn running shoes I bought a couple of years ago and used twice. Keep it up sista. May the force be with you. Erin

P-town Peach said...

Thanx love! Give that precious baby a kiss for me!

Hey, maybe when I come to ATL we can go shopping for new shoes for you! (Even if you haven't used your shoes but twice, if they're really two years old, oxygen will degrade them)

So you can run the Peachtree too!!!