Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Moving Sucks

I know it's been eons since I posted, but hey, I'm buried up to my ears in cardboard and newspaper, and my fingers are swollen like lil' smokies sausages from the lifting of heavy boxes and cracked from all the scary cleaning chemicals.

Plus, in the middle of all that I went to Philly to teach.

Dad was right. What a bunch of assholes. Noisy ones too.

In running news, I haven't run since last Wed, when I attempted to run on my bum ankle in Philly. It didn't hurt too much while I was running, but as soon as I finished, I could barely walk on it....what's up with that? Is that some weird endorphin thing? I've heard about other injuries that don't hurt while running, but are painful when still. That's completely illogical if you ask me.

So I've been going crazy insane this last week due to not running, and I would be even crazier if I hadn't spent the last three days lifting and moving heavy objects to and fro. But I decided to really lay off it until I can't feel the ankle any more, so that I don't completely screw myself for Pfit in two weeks. And I think it's been working, because the last two days I haven't felt the slightest twinge, so I plan to venture out today for a very slow jog....

...after cleaning the garage out at the old house...sigh. When will it ever end?

Oh hey! I'm heading back to the ATL tomorrow morning! I'm scheduled to teach two classes there, so I'm extending my trip by a day so that my folks can see that their wayward daughter hasn't grown 'femmelocks', and so that I can see Erin and her new baby!!! So it should be interesting to see how violently I react to driving in the big turdville again.

... So I just got back from a run, but before that (and since that last paragraph), we cleaned out the garage, took stuff to B's storage space, other stuff to Goodwill, and dumped trash. So I didn't have a lot of energy to spare, but I put the Brooks on and did it. With no pain. Yay! I'm a runner again!


Unknown said...

yay for you!

we are on spring "break" (i quote because we didn't go anywhere and i've been working on my damn dissertation every day...) and the pool at school is closed so i haven't been able to swim. but we're watching the neighbors' dog (THEY went to st. lucia - again - salt in the wound) and she is a VERY hyper lab so we've been taking her and ursa running everyday. running is so much harder than swimming. it's summer here already (near 90) and so i'm hot, tired, breathless, and covered in sweat - all before 7am. at least you don't sweat in the pool - well, at least you don't feel it because the water is cool and you're already wet. so... i know how it is to want to do something and not be able to. oh well... just 5 more days...

have fun in ATL. it's not as bad as you think, west coaster. :) at least you're not in bama...

take care of the ankle and good luck with your training.

P-town Peach said...

aww...I miss you guys so much... BUT! I'm comin to Bama in the next few weeks! Look for an email from me soon bout the wheres and whens...