Friday, March 16, 2007

Yay Spring!

Okay, well, it's not official yet, but glory be, today was absolutely gorgeous! B and I went up to NE Portland so I could run in a new spot, Blue Lake, while B accompanied me on his bike (lazy bum).
It was a nice easy run through a really picturesque park (click on pic for link to more pics). After a 27 min run (don't ask), B took off to go on one of his epic bike rides (okay, not so lazy after all), while I got in the car to begin my quest for cheap bookcases.

No such luck finding bookcases, but I did buy some nifty running shorts at Goodwill, since I currently have been running in either tights or Target men's "active wear" pants. So I need some shorts. I highly recommend Goodwill for running wear, since it's possible to find the Cool Max stuff for a few bucks- compared to a bazillion bucks brand new. Anyway, after Goodwill, I headed to new apartment to drop another load off, and take some pictures...Isn't the daffodil just the perfect harbinger of spring? They're just so dang perky, and they practically scream "Hey everybody, IT'S SPRIIIIING!!"

These are a sentimental favorite of mine and my family, since years ago my grandfather planted hundreds and hundreds of bulbs in his huge front yard, so that come March, there would be acres of yellow bobbing heads for all the neighborhood to enjoy. He was well known around the community for his daffodils. So I think it's a sign of good luck that I have several blooming in my new backyard. Click on the daffodil pic for more shots of the new place.

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